

Taste: Sweet, earth, citrus

Genetics: Thin mint cookies x sunset sherbert

Effect: Uplifting

Grow Tips

Growing Gelato #33, an impressive cannabis strain with a strong genetic lineage, requires some special considerations to achieve the best quality and yield. Here are some growing tips for this popular hybrid strain:

1. Climate and environmental conditions

Gelato #33 thrives in moderately warm temperatures in the range of 20-26°C. It is important that the night temperatures are slightly cooler than the day temperatures to promote the typical color development of the variety.

Keep humidity around 40-60% during the vegetative phase and lower it to 35-45% during the flowering phase to minimize the risks of mold and other pathogens.

2. Lighting

Use high-intensity LED or HPS lights that provide enough light for the energy-intensive flowering phase. Even lighting is crucial, especially with this strain, which tends to develop compact, dense buds.
Plants in the vegetative phase should receive about 18 hours of light, during the flowering period this should be reduced to 12 hours.

3. Soil and fertilization

A well-drained, nutrient-rich soil is ideal. A mixture of organic soil, perlite and compost can produce good results.
Feed the plants with a balanced NPK fertilizer during the growth phase and increase the supply of phosphorus and potassium during the flowering phase to support flower formation.

4. Pruning and training

Gelato #33 can benefit greatly from pruning techniques such as topping (removing the top growth tip) and lollipopping (removing lower shoots that receive little light). These techniques promote denser flowering and more efficient use of light.
Training techniques such as SCROG (Screen of Green) or SOG (Sea of ​​Green) can also be used to maximize yields and ensure even light distribution.

5. Water management

Water regularly, but avoid overwatering. The soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings to ensure oxygen supply to the roots.
Monitor soil moisture levels and adjust watering accordingly.

6. Pest and disease management

Stay alert for pests and diseases. Gelato #33 can be susceptible to problems such as spider mites and mildew.
Regular applications of biological control agents and maintaining a clean growing environment can help keep most problems away.

7. Harvest time

Proper harvest time is crucial to unlock the full potential of terpene and cannabinoid profiles. Monitor the trichomes with a microscope; harvest is optimal when most trichomes have turned from clear to milky.

With these tips, you can maximize your chances of achieving successful harvests of Gelato #33, a strain appreciated for both its aesthetic characteristics and its potency. Good luck with your cultivation!‍

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